Have you ever thought about your pet’s health? We talk about our personal health all the time and how we are on diets or eating better. But do we think about our pets and what they are eating and what they are drinking. Do we think about what is in their pet food?
I was checking out the Internet and found a veterinarian who is a naturalist for animal health and wellbeing. I thought maybe others might want to know a little bit about what he teaches and how he applies his recommendations for better health in animals.
For those of you who may be curious, he has a YouTube channel and it can be found by typing in: Dr. Andrew Jones Veterinarian.
He also offers a free ebook with information you may be interested in as well. See the link below:
He made so much sense to me that when I started listening to him, I changed the food of my animals. I actually started making pet food at home instead of buying it. Making my own pet food seemed to really help their inflammation and over all health. Don’t just take my word for it. Check out what a professional has to about the matter. Again, his name is Dr. Andrew Jones.
Dr. Jones has investigated many other natural ways to help pets. It’s worth checking out if you’re interested in making a change for your animals as well..
Rember that one change can make a huge difference. Once you see the outcome of your pet I’m sure you’ll be pleased with the results as well.
Best wishes on your pet journey to their healthier way of living.
The picture show is my own dog, “Bella.” She is getting up there in years. She’s pretty healthy for her age is 14 years. But she does struggle with arthritis. I wish I had found this veterinarian on line when we first adopted her.